This is who we are....

My photo
Andy is an MK from Brasil. Gina is a hometown girl from SE Wisconsin. We met in Waukesha, fell in LOVE...well, that is the beginning of a long story, that won't fit into this spot. Since that day, we have been living and moving, and living, and moving, and yes moving some more! We have served 6 yrs in Brasil, and 4 yrs in Thailand. In both countries our main focus has been on the education and discipleship of high school students. Now we are working with college students. Our desire is to help them know the Lord better. We are serving at Ethnos Bible Institute in Waukesha, WI. Andy is the Dean of Education, and Gina is overseeing the campus library. We are privileged to be discipling the next generation of Christian leaders who will serve the Lord in foreign countries and in their local communities.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The making of a prayer card....

Over our spring break from school, we have done many, many things.  Among those things was a family photo to update our prayer card picture that is suppose to last us a few years....This is the joy of almost EVERY missionary family out there!  Let me tell you a little really is not a is more like torture!  We call it FORCED FAMILY FUN....
Getting your teenagers to pose for pictures is not easy!  At least when they are younger you can bribe them with candy or some small trinket from the local grocery store, but as they grow, so do their bribes!  Well, I guess our boys just lucked out, because not one got a bribe...but they did take the pictures and we got through with ease!  
Here is a sample of what is to come....

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